24 x 33 cm
104 pages
Today, NASA confirms the existence of 4324 exoplanets - planets living outside our solar system. But this number is unstable. It is transitory.
It represents the present, because who knows, maybe in the next minute or month the number will rise to 4325.
This number also represents the universe at a particular time in our existence. In one minute, one month, the universe as we can see it - imagine it, see it - will be different.
The scientific branch of astronomy communicates mainly through images
through images so that everyone can envisage the universe. But the planet is never what we think it is: each star, for example, in order to be visible to everyone, must be interpreted or translated from DATA that are decoded sometimes for more than a year. It is only then that colours, lines and textures begin to represent the planet. The image thus becomes a universal language that everyone can decipher. But does this image tell the truth? Does it show the universe as it is?
4324 takes stock of the situation. Through so-called traditional images, computer-generated images and finally DATA, 4324 turns reality upside down, reinterprets it by questioning the scientific visual codes of the space domain, losing the reader and then leaving him to generate his own reality.